Daucus carota L.
Brand: Semo
Packaged:350 s.
Availability:In Stock
Ex Tax: 1.95€
Carrot "Purple Haze" F1 - mid-early hybrid with original colouring of the root crop.
Sowing: late April - early May in moist soil, to a depth of 1.5-2.0 cm, according to the 5x20 cm pattern. Grow on slightly acidic soils, light in mechanical composition, with a deep arable layer.
Care: thinning (2 times per season) to a distance of 5 cm between plants, treatment against carrot fly, infrequent watering, loosening between rows. It is recommended to treat with complex mineral fertilizers. Do not apply fresh organic fertilizers!
Harvesting: selective - in July-August, main - before the onset of autumn frosts in dry weather.

* For sowing carrots, use fresh seeds, as they retain good germination for no more than two years. Therefore, there is no point in harvesting seeds in huge quantities.
Before sowing, prepare the seeds. Since they germinate very slowly, do this in advance. 
There are several ways to prepare seeds for sowing:
Method 1. Carefully pour all the seeds into a plate and pour water into it. Mix them lightly with your fingers. Remove the seeds that float to the surface. For some reason, they turned out to be empty, so they are not suitable for sowing. Wrap the remaining carrot seeds in gauze and immerse them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate overnight. This must be done to disinfect them. In the morning, take the seeds out of the solution and squeeze out the gauze slightly. Take a shallow plate and pour some warm water into it so that it covers the bottom. Place the bundle with seeds on this plate and place it closer to the radiator or heater. In this case, they will germinate much faster. The sprouted seeds are ready for sowing in the ground.
Method 2. A few days before sowing, prepare a nutrient coating for the seeds. To do this, mix a soil-nutrient mixture consisting of equal proportions of peat and humus with a glass of liquid cow dung.
Pour the seeds into a jar and, shaking it, gradually add the resulting mixture. Shake the jar for a minute. During this time, the seeds will be covered with a nutrient coating. Then pour them out on paper and dry. When the seeds dry, they will be completely ready for sowing in the ground. 
Method 3. Prepare salt water at the rate of 2 tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of water. Pour the seeds into this water. You can safely throw away the floating seeds, as they will not sprout. And the seeds that have settled to the bottom, carefully place in a gauze bag and tie it.
Rinse the seeds directly through the gauze under a stream of warm water. After this, first immerse the bag with seeds in hot water for 10-15 minutes, and then for the same amount of time in cold water.
After such hardening, untie the bag and scatter the seeds in a thin layer on a damp cloth. Cover and leave on the table at room temperature for about a day. After germination, the seeds are ready to be sown in the ground. 
Method 4. To get shoots already on the 4-5th day after sowing, use this method. Perhaps some will find it too simple, but, as you know, everything ingenious is simple!
Place dry carrot seeds in a cloth bag and bury them on the site to the depth of a bayonet shovel directly into the damp and cold ground. (Leave some kind of mark at this place, so that later the search for seeds does not turn into work of digging up the whole plot...)
When you decide to sow the seeds, simply dig them up, lay them out on a dry cloth and dry them in the fresh air. After that, sow the seeds in the usual way.

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